The Writing Center is currently closed for spring break.
We will reopen on March 10.

Schedule An Appointment With Us!

what we offer...



We support students by offering one-on-one peer writing consultations, writing workshops, graduate and creative writing groups, and student employment opportunities.


Campus Partners

We support faculty, staff, and campus partners by offering a writing across the disciplines workshop, grant writing support, professional development resources, writing groups, and syllabus development.



We work with the local community through the Community Writing Center in collaboration with the East Lansing Public Library, and we work with regional and global communities through ongoing partnerships. 


Writing Center Field

We value contributing to writing center studies and fostering professional partnerships by working with other university and community literacy centers both across the United States and internationally.

Our Values

butterfly in green circle


We will reimagine and enact change in our everyday practices and systems while centering equitable justice in all that we do.

stick figures of different heights standing on different height boxes to have one even height


We will work responsively to address systemic and local barriers to access and opportunities.

question mark in purple circle


We will remain open to un/learning about the world, people, practices, and events around us.

two stick figures connected by circular lines


We will foster and maintain collaborative relationships through reciprocity, sustainability, and intentionality.

hand holding heart


We will center empathy holistically through interconnected relationships with others and land.


“There’s no space that I learned more about how to be a teacher and how to work with students than The Writing Center at MSU. No matter any of its problems, I believe in The Writing Center and what it does and what it’s trying to be for students.”

Wonderful Faison

English Department Chair at Langston University and former Writing Center Consultant

Quote from the Writing Center @ MSU’s Oral History Project