Linguistic Justice: A Speaker Series
Our Language Statement is designed to advocate and accommodate the linguistic diversity of our students. Growing out of strong collaborations between our local writing center and the MSU community, our statement hopes to make visible long-standing research-advocacy traditions around linguistic justice in multiple fields.
In rolling out the Language Statement in the academic year of 2019-2020, The Writing Center @ MSU is committed to fostering and sustaining a community, both in our writing center and the larger academic community at MSU, with an adept understanding of the social and ideological dimensions of languaging and language use.
As such, our center’s focus during this year was facilitating an invited speaker series around language diversity for the larger MSU teaching community. By both fostering dialogues around language and power with the larger community and reflecting on our center’s practices, we challenge our campus community to a sustained and on-going commitment to equity and inclusion in our academic communities.
The series included the following speakers:
Dr. Vershawn Ashanti Young, Dr. Staci Perryman-Clark, Dr. Laura Gonzales & Dr. Victor Del Hierro, Dr. Esther Milu, and Dr. Eli Clare

Dr. Vershawn Ashanti Young
“Straight Black Queers: Languaging Gender Anxiety and the American Dream”

Dr. Staci Perryman-Clark
“The Work of Writing Never Ends: Using Students’ Right to Their Own Language to Bridge Writing Across the Curriculum and Diversity and Inclusion Professional Development Opportunities”

Dr. Laura Gonzales

Dr. Esther Milu
“Transnational And Immigrant African Students’ Language Identities: Complicating The Image Of Black Students In U.S Composition”

Dr. Eli Clare
“The Work of Writing Never Ends: Using Students’ Right to Their Own Language to Bridge Writing Across the Curriculum and Diversity and Inclusion Professional Development Opportunities”

Dr. Victor Del Hierro
“‘Our languages need a place to land’:, Approaching Language Diversity Research through Community Relationships”